Alter Your Car’s Appearance

Body kits can dramatically alter the appearance of the car. Choose a kit that compliments the lines of the car, it won't look right to have a curvaceous kit on an angular car or vice versa.
Kits that require spraying must be properly prepared and sprayed or they will start to peel and look shabby – this can add another £300-£1000 to the fitting cost. Replacement bumpers can be more flimsy than the standard padded ones and will not offer the same level of protection.

When fitting a new kit is is a good opportunity to get the car resprayed since it is difficult to match the paint colour of the kit to the current car’s paint colour, especially if the paint has faded a little.
Mesh and similar grill and vent covers can look good but are often hard to apply when the kit is already on the car.
So, spend a little time beforehand thinking about the order you need to do things in – it can save hours of fitting, unfitting and fitting again!